The new competitiveness—high recovery
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The new competitiveness—high recovery

By:Yantai Xinhai Wear - resistant Rubbrt Company
2014-01-07 | Browse the number (6709)

On Jun 27, 2012, the ministry of land and resources released a notice about the investigation of mining recovery, mineral processing recovery and comprehensive utilization for 22 kinds of metals and nonmetals.

The industrialization depends on the exploration and utilization of mineral resources. The first industrial revolution took place in the north of Britain, which is because there are abundant coal and iron. These resources bring materials and energy for machinery manufacture and metallurgy. Based on the abundant exploration and utilization of oil, the second industrial revolution took place. The development of human society depends on the mineral resources. So does the national development, social progress and urbanization.

Many cities in the world formed with the exploration of minerals. In China, Tongling in Anhui, Laiwu in Shandong, Xuzhou in Jiangsu and Liaoyang in Liaoning are ancient mining cities. The mineral resources can reflect the national comprehensive strength, especially the developing potential. In China, more than 95% of energy resources and 80% of industrial raw materials are from mineral resources.

But now, because of over-exploration, the exhaustion of resources has given a warn to people. Thus, the improvement of high recovery and high utilization has been the important point in the development of mining industry.

On the other hand, now is the key to develop national economy for China. Since reform and opening-up, China has experienced 30 years rapid development. At this point, it faces economic adjustment. The utilization of mineral resources will influence Chinese economy. The ministry of land and resources carried out this investigation to protect mineral resources and boost the sustainable development of economy. It can also provide data for the national macroeconomic decision.

Twenty years ago, Xinhai Mining Machinery Company predicted the trend of Chinese mining industry—high recovery and high utilization. So they spent a lot of energy and money in developing high-efficiency mining machinery equipment and mineral processing technologies. Xinhai has succeeded to make great achievements. Besides, it advocates "quality, performance, price, working period and service, the five-star service" and "one-stop service", which has become the model in the industry. The company develops with each passing day. And the demands of the products exceed the supply. Xinhai Mining Machinery Company has technologists in enginery, as well as a lot of mining and mineral processing technologists. Technologists and mechanical engineer cooperate perfectly. It has developed and improved 80% of the mining equipment. Some of them have reached the international leading level. It has become the R&D base of mining machinery industry in China.

With the concepts of innovation, the mineral processing technologies have more improvements. What you need is what we can do!

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