Why Xinhai wear–resistant rubber is welcomed by mineral processing industry?
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Why Xinhai wear–resistant rubber is welcomed by mineral processing industry?

2018-05-09 | Browse the number (2355)

In recent years, wear-resistant rubber attracted much attention in mineral processing industry by relying on its wear and corrosion resistance.

Before ten years ago, wet wear–resistant rubber market was mainly monopolized by overseas rubber industry in China. Nowadays, with the development of plastic industry companies, the wear-resistant rubber industry has entered into a new level. As a leading rubber manufacturer, Xinhai wear–resistant rubber Company successfully developed a wear–resistant rubber refining process, which arouses the highest attention from the mining industry. 

There are two reasons why Xinhai wear–resistant rubber obtained so much attention.

1.  The expectation of wear – resistant rubber as wear – resistant materials of mineral machinery. The excellent wear–resistant rubber as the protector of mineral machinery can prolong the service life of equipment.

2.   The small specific gravity of rubber can reduce the weight and damage of equipment.

Besides, the wear–resistant rubber liners were rising in recent years by its light weight less serious injuries and it is more convenient to replace than the metal liners.

As to the equipment maintenance, it is very prone to accidents. For example, the staff below the equipment was injured by falling liners for repair personnel negligence in the replacement of ball mill liner sheet causing in a broken leg. The injured workers live in the hospital for 25 days and rested for more than 3 months before starting work. If the ball mill had adopted rubber liners, this tragedy would never have happened again.

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