Three kinds of vibrating screen and feature
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Three kinds of vibrating screen and feature

By:Yantai Xinhai Wear - resistant Rubbrt Company
2013-12-10 | Browse the number (3407)

Vibrating screen reciprocating motion is produced by motor excitation. The vibrating screen is used for screening power and unqualified materials in chemistry industry, food, metallurgy, mineral processing industry and pollution treatment.

Vibrating screen includes linear vibrating screen, round vibrating screen, high frequency vibrating screen and drum screen. There is brief introduction of using condition and features below.

Linear vibrating screen

Linear vibrating screen treats the excitation of vibration motor as the power source, and the material is thrown up, at the same time, forward in a straight line. The material from the feeder evenly goes into the inlet of screen with being screened layer by layer. Each layer has own outlet that the material of each layer discharging out.

Linear vibrating screen has the advantages of simple structure, stable and reliable performance, low energy consumption, low noise, high output, long service life, no dust overflow, fully closed structure, easy to repair and automatically discharging, which is mainly suitable for the pipeline linear operation.

Round vibrating screen

It adjusts the amplitude by tube-shaped violent vibration screen of eccentric shaft and eccentric blocks. The body moves like a circle, in order to make the materials screened. Materials in small size will go through the hole when they meet the screen surface, so as to realize the grading.

High frequency vibrating screen

The motor makes the exciter swing rotate speedily through the tire coupling. The continuous forced circular motions of sieve box were achieved through the powerful centrifugal force. Under the influence of sieve box, the materiel are tossed forward successively on the mesh. They were classified as thrown up, and the particles smaller than the mesh size were sieved out when they are falling, so that the classification of material could be achieved.The product is mainly used for grinding circuit.

The three kinds of vibrating screen are common in current market. Clients should choose the product according to own needing. Please pay attention to the operation of screen, and replace the screen timely.

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